About Carly

From a very young age, I was always hyper aware of my body. I believed that as long as I was skinny, that meant I was healthy. As I got older, I developed unhelpful habits that were disguised as self-care. I labeled food as “good and bad”, excessively exercised to compensate for what I ate, demonized nutrient dense foods in fear that they would make me gain weight, and it felt like with every bite I took, there was a game plan on how to counter those calories. This way of life became an obsession that ultimately led to me feeling lonely, unfulfilled, and completely drained. I realized that the environment I was in was no longer serving me and it was time for a major change.

I got an opportunity to move out of state to change my life. I decided it was time to learn. Learn about food, learn about myself, and discover the greatest version of who I was. I earned my certification as an Integrative Health Coach where I not only acquired skills to help others look at health from a wider lens, but was able to input habits into my own life that completely shifted the way I looked at food and the way I felt in my own body.

I finally made food my friend and started to look at it as a source of nourishment and fuel opposed to a way to manage my weight. I stopped looking at nutrition labels and started looking at ingredients and I discovered my passion for strength and mobility training because it made me feel strong in my body. Truth be told, I fell in love with myself, and I’ve never looked back. Wanting to learn more about the psychology behind it all, I got my certification in Emotional Eating Psychology. It opened my eyes to what, how, and why we eat the way we do as well as how messaging from childhood can have a lifelong effect on how we feel about ourselves today.

I created True To You Health Coaching to empower YOU to discover and determine what healthy looks like to you. It’s time to finally have control over your thoughts, fears, and confidence and create lifelong habits that make you feel your best! I can’t wait to work together!

There is no sincerer love than the love of food.”


What Is True To You Health Coaching?

Being very intentional when thinking of a name, True To You Health Coaching is exactly that. It’s a Health Coaching service that focuses on you and ONLY you. There is no one-size-fits-all in life. It just doesn’t exist. Not with diets, not with workout plans, not with anything. Every human is unique. From our genetics, to our family history, to our day to day life. So why are we constantly treated as if we’re all the same?

At True To You Health Coaching, I take a very individualized approach to help my clients discover what their healthy looks like. We will take a look at your personal values and what’s important to you when it comes to your daily habits and align it with a plan that is designed for your success towards food freedom and body peace.

Habits are just that, a repetitive action you’ve gotten so accustomed to that sometimes it feels like there is no other way. But I promise you, there is. My goal is for you to acquire sustainable and effortless tools that make your life easier. Free of guilt, shame, and self-deprivation. Tools that allow you to feel in control of your decisions and trust in yourself.